Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Looking for a Classroom-wide, Evidence-based Self-Regulation Skill-Training Intervention?

The need for Self-Regulation skills has never been higher. Often, the challenge can be selecting an effective and time-sensitive program to use.

A large study (N=373) was recently published in a peer-reviewed journal demonstrating the efficacy of the Self-Regulation Training System (SRTS). The study utilized a control group and and experimental group design over time. The results indicated statistically significant increases in self-regulation skills utilizing both a teacher report and a student self-report measure.
Click here for full article link

It's Not Too Late: Helping Teens Learn Self-Regulation

The teenage years present unique challenges for self-regulation. There are major physiological changes occurring, a capacity for more complex emotions and relationships, increased pressures, the task of establishing our identity and working toward independence just to name a few.

Given the significant impact of the Self-Regulation Training System (SRTS) with elementary-age children, it was a natural next step to reach out to teenagers. Research indicates that self-regulation skills predict academic success, healthy social relationships, wellness, happiness, the absence of mental health issues, and college success. Those who regulate well are generally more pro-active in their approach to life, while those who regulate poorly are generally more reactive.

Brad Chapin, best-selling author of "Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation," recently released the highly anticipated strategy guide for helping teens learn these skills that are so critical for success. Consistent with the SRTS, self-regulation skills are broken into three areas:
  • Physical - Recognizing physical warning signs to upset and learning to get calm and safe
  • Emotional - Accurately identifying feelings; learning to express them in healthy ways; understanding that we are in control of our own feelings and that nothing/nobody can make you feel a certain way
  • Cognitive - Learning to identify and challenge unhealthy/extreme thinking; learning to get our needs met in healthy ways; basic problem-solving and planning
Click here for more information about to get your copy of the new strategy guide.
For more information on the Self-Regulation Training System, visit

Self-Regulation Books for Children

We all remember our favorite books from our childhood... the images, the characters and the lessons we learned by watching the characters. Stories can be a powerful way to introduce skills to children.

The Legend of the Regulators and the SECRET List, written by best-selling author Brad Chapin, engages children in the adventures of Tomas as he struggles to complete his quest to save his children.

This unique story takes children on a journey to discover the secrets of a long, healthy, happy life. Help Tomas unlock the Secrets as he travels through the Caves of Calm, the Forest of Feelings and the Labyrinth of Lies to reclaim the pieces of the Secret List of the Regulators.

This book also takes advantage of hidden pictures and symbols to really tap into a child's curiosity and engage them in searching through the amazing artwork of illustrator Kayann Ausherman.
This interactive, adventure story allows children to join Tomas on his quest to unlock the mystery of the Regulators’ Secret List. Travel with Tomas on his quest to help his children succeed and to discover the Secrets of a long, healthy, happy life.
Self-Regulation skills have been shown to increase academic performance, positive social interaction, physical health, emotional wellness and performance in many areas of life.

Get your copy today!!

For more Self-Regulation Training Resources, visit

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Self-Regulation Skills: From Exposure to Application

Who would believe that showing someone a film of a soccer game and defining the terms would be sufficient in developing the skills necessary to play soccer effectively? We understand that exposing individuals to new things is a very important first step. But we also understand that more must happen if we expect the skills to develop. Soccersmall.JPG
Evidence indicating that healthy Self-Regulation skills are critical for success and happiness continues to mount. Our ability to manage our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors in response to life's challenges significantly impacts how successful and happy we will be.
The first step in Self-Regulation Training is exposure. The Self-Regulation Training System suggests that there is an organized, systematic way for teaching these skills in three skill-training areas:
  • Physical Regulation - learning our body's warning signs and how to calm down when we feel these warning signs
  • Emotional Regulation - learning to accurately label our emotions, express them in healthy ways, and take ownership of them
  • Cognitive Regulation - learning to identify and challenge unhealthy thinking, get needs met in healthy ways, plan and problem solve effectively
    SRProjectSmall.JPGAs with learning any new skill, there is a process involved. The first step in learning a new skill is exposure. We are first exposed to the concepts and given the vocabulary. We begin to understand the language. We are fairly good at teaching this level of skill-building.
    However, this is unfortunately where we like to stop, or where we can get stuck with teaching a new set of skills. This seems to be especially true when it comes to emotional and behavioral skills. We seem to do a much better job with other types of skills like sports or academics... possibly because these skills are easier to measure and can be more clearly demonstrated.
    If we want individuals to move from exposure to application of new skills, we need to progress through the process of true skill-development. Here are a few important elements to consider when moving from exposure to application:
  • Practice & Repetition - Healthy Self-Regulation skills don't always seem to come naturally. It's very important to practice, especially when individuals have had several years of exposure to unhealthy self-regulation. Be creative and come from different angles.
  • Reinforcement - Once skills have been taught and consistent expectations have been put into place, use consequences (positive and negative) to reinforce the skills you want to see. Point out natural consequences and draw attention to real-life examples of how Self-Regulation skills lead to success.
  • Connect Skills to Purpose & Meaning - Human beings are great at associating concepts. Help individuals make the connections between healthy Self-Regulation skills and success. Skills become much stronger when we realize how much better things go for us when we use them.
    Remember, exposure is a great first step, but when we are wanting to build skills, we need to continue the process. We will never be perfect at Self-Regulation skills. It's an ongoing process, but any improvements we are able to make will have dramatic effects on our performance, our happiness and the happiness of those around us.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New App for Teaching Self-Regulation Skills!

Get the App
We are very excited to announce this brand new tool for engaging children in the process of learning and practicing self-regulatory skills. As you may already know, self-regulation is directly related to success in many areas including academic performance, positive behaviors, the development of social skills, and emotional control.

This interactive New App for Self-Regulation, is another big step forward in providing children, professionals, and parents avenues to practice these skills and apply in them in real-life situations. The App follows the Self-Regulation Training System, created by best-selling author and international speaker Brad Chapin, by addressing the areas of Physical, Emotional and Cognitive regulation skills.

The Self-regulation Training System (SRTS) continues to gain interest from educators, school counselors, mental health professionals, and parents as the "common core" for behavior. Lessons and curriculum from this system continue to produce significant, measurable improvements in the self-regulation skills of children and teenagers.

Many have long struggled with the gap between theory and practice. The SRTS provides concrete lessons, activities and tools focused on developing and maintaining skills for success.

Based on the success of the Challenge Software Program, a web-based tool that uses games and short video scenarios to help children challenge unhealthy thinking, we've continued to believe in utilizing technology to engage today's youth.

We would like to thank our partners at Wichita State University for their excellent work on this exciting tool for helping children succeed!

Visit for more information on the Self-Regulation Training System, to schedule a training with Brad, or to view other engaging tools for teaching self-regulation.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Practice Self-Regulation Skills for Success
Self-regulation skills are critical for success in many areas of life. Children need ways to learn and practice skills for the development of healthy self-regulation.

In the best-selling book "Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation," these skills are broken down into three areas:  Physical Regulation, Emotional Regulation, Cognitive Regulation. Click here for more information.

The creators of the Self-Regulation Training framework have recently released a brand new interactive tool that many are already using to help children practice and develop self-regulation skills in the classroom, at home, and in the office.
The Self-Regulation Training Board teaches children how to use their own skills to resolve issues independently. This tool also helps them practice all 3 of the skill-training areas mentioned above in a fun, interactive and engaging way.

This video shows how the board can easily and effectively help a child resolve an issue. Please visit for more information, or to order the Self-Regulation Training Board.

by Brad Chapin, LCP, LMLP

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Self-Regulation Skills and School Readiness

Research continues to show that self-regulation skills are critical for success in many areas. Self-regulation is the set of skills we use to help control and direct our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The job of a thermostat is a great analogy for self-regulation. It constantly monitors the temperature in the room, and when something changes, it initiates an action that will bring the temperature back into balance.

Children with well-developed self-regulation skills:
  • Have fewer behavior problems (Blair & Diamond, 2008)
  • Have higher reading and math achievement in Kindergarten (Blair & Razza, 2007)
  • Are able to manage their feelings and behaviors better (Blair & Diamond, 2008)
  • Are more socially-emotionally competent
In contrast, poor self-regulation has been linked to:
  • High rates of expulsion in preschool classrooms (Gilliam & Shahar, 2006)
  • Lower reading and math achievement in Kindergarten (Blair & Razza, 2007)
  • Aggressive and oppositional behavior (Graziano et al., 2006; Raver, 2004)
What Can We Do?
As with most skills, early exposure and training is best. The Self-Regulation Training System offers a simple, concrete method for teaching children the skills necessary for improving self-regulation.

We begin with simple lessons to help young children learn how to regulate their physical responses to changes changes in the environment. We teach them how to recognize their Warning Signs and then how to regulate them.

We then move to helping them learn how to regulate their emotions by labeling, expressing and owning their feelings. With preschool-age children, we do not get very far into cognitive regulation skills. However, we do find tools like the Self-Regulation Training Board to be very helpful.

Results of the Self-Regulation Training System have been shown to significantly increase self-regulation skills. Recently, 380 First Grade children received 6 hours of Self-Regulation training over a 6-week period of time. The average score on the Self-Regulation Teacher Rating Scale improved from 72 to 87. This extremely significant outcome is very exciting and underscores the notion that young children are capable of learning self-regulation skills to increase success and school readiness.

by Brad Chapin, LCP, LMLP