Sunday, September 5, 2010

Children Need Our Help to Beat a Troubling Thought

Have you ever been cruising right along with your day and then.... WHAM! You've just been hit with this thought about something that you "know" isn't healthy or positive. You try to push it out of your mind, but the harder you push, the more you think about it.

Maybe the thought is connected to some demons from your past, or to some areas that you feel are weak in your life.

Children struggle with this problem also. Knowing how difficult it can be as an adult to handle this situation, imagine being a child that's never read or heard about what to do.

Let Children Know:

  • It's okay to talk to you about what they are thinking

  • You won't be critical or judgemental when they do share their thoughts

  • Everyone struggles with troubling thoughts. Normalize it.

  • We often need to ask others for help to challenge these negative ideas

  • You can help them think of alternative ways to look at the situation

Teaching children how to regulate their own thoughts is a big part of helping them develop Self-regulation and grow into a well-balanced, healthy adult.

Please email us here at Challenge Software if you have questions or need ideas for helping children challenge unhealthy thinking.

We'd be happy to help:)

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