Monday, January 19, 2009

Challenge Software Program and CBT Getting Attention

During its Beta Trial, the Challenge Software Program had over 750 Beta users around the world. The interest continues to grow regarding this "revolutionary" new program designed to teach children the basics of Cognitive-Behavioral interventions and put them into practice. Children all over the country have been watching and using the interactive scenarios of everyday situations. The program uses technology, including video games, to engage children quickly and hold their attention. The video games within the scenario represent the internal conflict, which must be resolved, that takes places when a decision is being made.

The positive comments continue to come in from around the country from professionals and parents. It's great to hear that so many adults understand the importance of teaching this skill. I am especially encouraged when parents recognize that without the ability to self-regulate, life is very difficult to manage. Some of us take this issue for granted because we learned the skill very early on, probably from someone close to us. However, there are still many children, and adults, that may not have been exposed to, or taught how to stay calm and focus their energy on things that they can control. This is why we will continue to tell others about the Challenge Software Program.

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