Saturday, January 10, 2009

Helping Parents Become CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) Coaches

What is more fulfilling than being a parent? But where are the directions for being an effective parent? I think we as professionals often make things too difficult for parents. We have extensive training in child development and therapeutic approaches. Most parents don't. They have the experiences that they were raised with from their own childhood. Cognitive-Behavioral psychology uses many natural skills that people have.

For example, when someone we care about is feeling down, we suggest some behavior that we know they will like. We might say, "Hey, instead of sitting around here dwelling on it, let's go catch a movie."

We also challenge the extreme language and thoughts of those we care about when they are struggling. For example, if a friend says, "Nothing is going my way. I can't do anything right." We don't just agree with them. We say, "I'm sorry your feeling that way, but I see several things that you've done very well since I've known you, and I can name some."

These are examples of how we can help our children by learning to become CBT Coaches at home. These are also the principles that the Challenge Software Program is based on.

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